Friday, March 31, 2017

Learning log-6

Hi guys this is probably my last learning log for Infosec but I'll try my best to do this also with my other subjects.

So for this lesrning log things that I've learned mostly revolved around physical security. I agree that no matter how good your computer sevurity if your pbysical sevurity is badly messed up, your security will end up in chaos.

Learning Log - 5

This learning log was kinda different from all because compare to other weeks which we just discussed and do some exercise,this time we did a hands on practical with packet tracer.

Although me and my group mates wasn't able to finish the exercise and sometime get lost on  some part of it, I still able to learn a lot from it. One of the things that I've learned is configuring a firewall which is really interesting. Doing that is like setting up a rule which should be followed.

 I'm kinda amazed when blocking certain ip adress so that the system can't connect to it. Blocking ip's was really beneficial for me because I think that's one of the common thing we information technologists should possess.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Learning Log - 4

Hello guys, so here's another chapter of my learning log.

My professor re discussed cryptography and this time I can really say that I really understand the lessons. The major key point of cryptography is the RSA and Diffie Hellman which is one of the basic encrypting techniques.

We also did an activity regarding those two basic encryption. The activity is nice and goof because I see the perspective of the people who encrypt, also I think that in order to full understand something you must try it first so yeah at the end of the day it was a win situation for me because of the fun learning

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Learning log-3 -Legal Issues, Privacy, Security and Cyptography

Another two weeks had passed...

I've learned a lot of new things this two weeks and It was just so interesting. For me the most interesting things that I've learned is Privacy. Privacy is a right of every human and it shouldn't be sacrifice, to monitor and protect the people. We also had a fun activity wherein Sir chose a topic. I'm really glad that the topic that's assigned to us is Privacy. We were the team of opposition, so we should contradict to the motion: "it's ok to monitor your citizen through surveillance and wire tapping." I've learned a lot from that activity because I've saw different perspective about different topic.Other topic that were also interesting is piracy. For me Piracy should really be illegal mainly because the
company really worked for that for a couple of months and even year. Also If i were the owner of a game or an application I'll also feel bad because I've spent so much effort doing that. Lately I've also learned cryptography. It's quite different compare to our past lessons and really confusing but I'm really glad that I've learned those, because I think cryptography is a must in this field. Overall that was a good week for me.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Learning Log-2:Social Engineering

It's been a while since the last time I've wrote my first learning log and now I've learned quite a lot and interesting things.

I've learned about Social engineering which is a crucial part of organizational security. In Information security, social engineering refers to manipulation of humans to get an information or an access to a system. Humans being vulnerable  and gullible has always been the target in getting some information. One of their trick is to establish a good relationship to a personnel who carries information, access to a system or something valuable to the company. After gaining the trust that's the time of their attack. That has always been a problem to  a lot of companies out their.

After the discussion I've realized that it's not just about having a good physical security, the company should also be aware on what's happening in the surrounding and that's what many organization failed to realized. Strict measure should be implemented all throughout the system, environment and the organization. Following that will prevent or lessen the risk of the trick.

Always remember we are humans fragile and vulnerable, so be vigilant,observant and pay attention.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Learning Log - 1

It's been a week since school started, lessons were discussed and learning is continuous. Throughout the week I've learned variety of things including the general security and  some basic ways on securing  a data using the General concept. With the general security concept I'm able to see a wider view of the field of Information Security. Before I've always thought of Infosec as protecting data , software, hardware and is the same as IT security but it was a big misconception.

We also got a simple problem from sir wherein we're tasked to find the best 3 solution to a problem, and do a recommendation in it. Doing that problem was an eye opener, It gives us an overview on the problems in the industry and what the job of the chief  Security is.  Honestly Infosec is really an  interesting field, how I wish I've chose comsec as my elective but nahh I'm in advweb but nevertheless I'm still enjoying it. That's all for this week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

15-Perspective In Life

           We have often believed that life is like a book. Every person we meet is a new character, every obstacle is a new chapter. God is the author, and we ourselves are the main character. We being the main characters make choices that make up the book of our life. Those choices we’ve made can turn into memories and experience that can change ourselves as well as our outlook in life. Those things can either be worth remembering or worse haunting. But most of all, those things have undeniably molded us to the person who we are today.   

            People are like Books we should not judge them by their cover or simply how their looks; for inside those pages a lot can be discovered. Judging them by its cover is simply criticizing them without knowing the story behind it. Judging them doesn’t make you a better person, in fact you don’t have any difference to the bullies out there. Before you make a conclusion on the kind of person you think someone is, you should stop and get to know them first. You never truly know what goes on in someone else’s life until you learn who the person truly is. People should be judged by the things that honestly matter like what kind of person they are and how they treat others. We are all human beings and should be given fair chances to have people learn who we truly are. There will always be people who judge you, but if they don't want to see who the real you is, that's their loss.            

Like a book there are many pages in life that tells different stories. We started off as a blank pages, perhaps everyone did; dull, lifeless and completely uninteresting. All individual has a stories to tell no matter what the consequence and the stand in life they have, yet as the days, months, and years go by those pages gradually becoming more of an interesting story. As the pages grow by I was becoming more of a better person than I was before. Indeed, I could say I was flourishing.            

In books there will always be a conflict and obstacle, the same as life.  The conflict and obstacles that I’ve encountered in life make me a tougher yet a fragile person.  Because of all the obstacle and downfall we both have our downfall and never ending storms in life. But, come to think of it things like those comes inevitably, right? Yes those were the rotten pages of the books that we wanted to tear apart immediately. Suspense filling in our soul as those pages haunt our well-being.  Those trials have made us very vigilant in life and also made us see and realized the flaws of realityEvery each of us has our book we own. That are the stories that no one could ever take away from us. The stories, and the journey we had defined something that used to be nothing like a blank paged book. A lot of changes will happen in our memories, even some of us are meant to meet someday. Change is the only thing that is permanent in this world, nothing more, and nothing less. It chooses no one because everyone is involved. Lastly, always remember that we should keep our book worth it, exceptional, beautifully written and touching to every persons soul. So, start moving now and try your best to have the best book in the world.