Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Learning log-3 -Legal Issues, Privacy, Security and Cyptography

Another two weeks had passed...

I've learned a lot of new things this two weeks and It was just so interesting. For me the most interesting things that I've learned is Privacy. Privacy is a right of every human and it shouldn't be sacrifice, to monitor and protect the people. We also had a fun activity wherein Sir chose a topic. I'm really glad that the topic that's assigned to us is Privacy. We were the team of opposition, so we should contradict to the motion: "it's ok to monitor your citizen through surveillance and wire tapping." I've learned a lot from that activity because I've saw different perspective about different topic.Other topic that were also interesting is piracy. For me Piracy should really be illegal mainly because the
company really worked for that for a couple of months and even year. Also If i were the owner of a game or an application I'll also feel bad because I've spent so much effort doing that. Lately I've also learned cryptography. It's quite different compare to our past lessons and really confusing but I'm really glad that I've learned those, because I think cryptography is a must in this field. Overall that was a good week for me.

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