Monday, August 3, 2015

9-Oh nana here's my name

          A name is a word that gives identity to a certain person. Have you ever wonder why your parents gave you that name? A name represents a big part of yourself, without knowing the story behind your name you will not be able to know yourself fully. It’s like knowing yourself without knowing what your origin is. Hi my name is John Rafael Furuya and I wanted to share to you guys the story behind my name.

            My name John Rafael is a name given to me by my grandmother, actually my father wants me to have a Japanese name while my grandmother doesn’t want. My Lola is a Christian so she a want a name from the bible. The name John is actually a book from the bible and also apostles while Rafael means God has healed and a Saint. After a long time thinking I asked my grandmother if there is any story behind my name or why did she chose that name. My grandmother didn’t even hesitate to answer my questions. She said that John because it’s just that it sound good and the name trend at that year, while Rafael because I have an older brother who died when he was still a baby so she said that Rafael means “God has healed” and they think of me as a blessing that healed them from the scar due to my brother’s death. I was really shocked at that time because I’m really not expecting that my name would mean so much. After sometime I ask my grandmother the list of name choices they have for me and she said that its only between my name Rafael and my brother’s name Kenji. Well about my last name FuruyaI really don’t have any idea about it aside that it came from japan. So after several times of researching the net I’ve found out that it means an old valley or old room. 
          Actually I really like the name that my grandmother has given me; I think it suits me well. Every time I’m out of track in my life I always think of the meaning of my name because I think it’s my purpose in life, It molds me to who am I right now. I hope my grandmother is proud of me at who I am right now and what I accomplished in life.

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